Reword my Paragraph with WordBot

Post author: Bald Bot
Bald Bot
2/23/22 in
AI Article Spinning & Rewriting

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Reword my Paragraph with WordBot

Most of us can speak our thoughts without difficulty when compared to writing those exact same thoughts.  I know what we want to say, but I don’t know how to type it.  Have you ever started to type something in a text, and then just called the person? It is easier for most of us to speak when it comes to complex thoughts or going into detail.  I know that I am hard-pressed when typing words on a keyboard and transforming them into sentences and eventually paragraphs.  As most people do, when I start to write content, I spend the first five minutes staring at a blank computer screen. After an awkward blank stare period, I start to type words on the screen.  Then, I delete them and start over.  Eventually, the words become a sentence.  After the first sentence is finished, I prepare to write the next sentence.  I start to re-read my first sentence again. Ugh! I don’t like it anymore, so I try again. Right now, as I type, I reword my first paragraph for the sixth time, I’ve deleted more sentences than I’ve written to this point. 

AI and the future of Rewriting

Writing content is not a walk in the park. Okay. Let’s not beat around the bush, writing really isn’t easy.  If you’re not a talented professional writer like me, then you probably struggle like I do with producing well-written content.  I find that it takes me a while to write my thoughts down into a finished product. I had a hard time doing it when I was in high school and college. I’m still struggling to do it today for my work.  I have to keep rewording my paragraphs and sentences.  Every time I reword my paragraph, it gets a little bit better. Knowing how much time I was spending on rewording my paragraphs, I went looking for technology that might help me save a little time.  Luckily, I found a tool that helps me reword my paragraphs better than I can — WordBot.

What is WordBot’s Reword Tool?

WordBot is the first tool that uses artificial intelligence to reword paragraphs better than I can. Yes, the bot can reword my paragraph better than I can.  Without the amazing advancements in machine learning, this would not be possible.  Prior to artificial intelligence technology, computers could not effectively handle the semantics of human language and writing.  Rewriting tools of the past would crumble when tasked with real world references or technical subject matter.  That is no longer the case, WordBot has leveraged the latest in deep learning artificial intelligence to create a rewriting and summarizing tool that blows the competition out of the water.  To understand how we got here, we must go back in time.

How did WordBot Reword my Paragraph?

Let’s take a few minutes to reminisce about the good old days.  At the age of 37, I could remember a time when I went shopping with my mom before the school year started.  The teacher needed to mail a list of supplies to the students.  We bought pens and notebooks for school. Did you remember those things – the college-ruled notebooks for school?  It was not too long ago that I actually wrote school reports… on paper… with a pen! If I had to reword my paragraph, I did just that reword my paragraph … with a pen… on a piece of paper. Over and over.

reword my paragraph
reword my paragraph

Time has flown by and we have made a lot of progress. In fact, we’ve come so far that most of today’s youth can’t write on paper or spell for that matter because they are so dependent on technology to do it for them.  I don’t wanna go down that rabbit hole in this article (see article).  Computer software has forever changed the way we write words, sentences, paragraphs, reports, books, and articles. Technology advancements have made drafting and re-drafting easier.  I just need to hit a delete key. 

While it is much easier now for me to reword my paragraphs now than it was when I had to use the old pen and paper, the words don’t just show up on my screen. I still have to type them myself.  Most word processor software can spell-check our writing and give suggestions, but none of them can really do anything about rewording my paragraphs to make them sound better or different.  WordBot cannot only reword my paragraph but also do it better and way quicker. WordBot can transform the text of a paragraph into something more readable and concise.

Rewording in WordBot

WordBot’s break-through in artificial intelligence technology delivers to writers of all kinds a powerful new tool.  Whether you are a student or a marketing professional, WordBot will reduce the time it takes to get from rough draft to finished product.  In addition, by rewording my paragraphs and sentences, WordBot can also increase the quality of your content or rewrite. You receive the double benefit of better quality and efficiency.

Reword my paragraph

Unfortunately, WordBot can’t write the content for you.  Artificial intelligence technology is still far from that point (if ever). However, once I type my thoughts into paragraphs, WordBot’s artificial intelligence rewords my paragraphs and speeds up their path to a completed product in dramatic fashion.  I still have to make the finishing touches and adjustments to my writing. WordBot allows me to skip the painstaking task of rewording my paragraphs over and over again.

After finishing a rough draft, I will run it through the WordBot’s re-writer tool. Boom! WordBot is rewriting my paragraph for me. WordBot removes needless or clunky wording.  It can help to improve the flow of a sentence by cleaning up syntax.  What makes WordBot truly special is that it can read and understand sentences, so it doesn’t lose its meaning the bot rewords the paragraph.  Previous rewriting tools have been known to remove key words or phrases that are crucial to the meaning of the paragraph.

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