Reword Paragraphs Generator

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
2/1/22 in
Rewrite Series

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If you’re looking for a high quality Reword My Paragraph Generator, you’re in the right place.’s Reword Paragraphs Generator is just that. It rewords paragraphs using the latest in artificial intelligence, ensuring all reworded paragraphs sound natural. No odd synonyms or poor word swaps that leave paragraphs sounding fake and pieced together. Wordbot’s ai-generated paragraphs sound as if an editorial team reworked the text. 

Reword My Paragraph Generator | Practical Examples

In this blog post, we’re going to show you examples of wordbot’s Reword My Paragraph Generator rewriting a handful of paragraphs. We’ll show the original paragraphs, the generated or reworded paragraphs, and notes on the results. To feed wordbot, we’ll pull some paragraphs from random news articles at

If instead of seeing examples you’re looking to learn how to use wordbot to generate reworded text, please see our article titled Rephrase My Paragraph. It has step-by-step instructions and screenshots showing how to use wordbot.

Reword Paragraphs Generator | Example 1

Reword Paragraphs Generator

Original Paragraphs

Yet if you read the headlines, that future appears brighter.

Starbucks workers formed their first union in the U.S. last December. Strikes at John Deere and Kellogg's ended with better worker contracts. Last November had twice as many active strikes as the summer months. Approval of unions has reached a 56-year-high.

A tight labor market has given workers more leverage, while attempts to unionize some of the most recognizable American brands like Amazon have brought national attention to unions.

It would be too much to call it a union resurgence. But labor supporters see the beginning of an emboldened labor movement — and an end to the long decline of union clout.

Rewritten Paragraphs 

However, if you take a look at the headlines, it appears the future is brighter.

Starbucks workers in the U.S. formed their first union at the end of last year. The strikes at John Deere and Kellogg's ended with better worker contracts. In November last year there were twice as many active strikes than the summer months. The share of people who support unions is growing.

The tight labor market has given workers more leverage, and attempts to unionize some of the most notable American brands like Amazon have brought national attention to unions.

It's premature to call it a comeback of the union. But labor supporters point to a reinvigorated union movement, which is one sign of an end to the long decline of union clout.


The original paragraphs are 114 words and the reworded paragraphs are 128, or 14 words more. If we hadn’t labeled the above paragraphs, you’d be hard-pressed to know which came from the journalist and which was reworded by wordbot. Some sentences were changed entirely, some had their parts moved around, and others are very similar to the original, but use some different words.

Reword Paragraphs Generator | Example 2

Reword Paragraphs Generator 2

Original Paragraphs

Believe it or not, the economy grew last year at the fastest pace since 1984

Last year saw the fastest economic growth since Ronald Reagan was president. But for many people, 2021 felt less like "Morning in America" and more like a restless night, dogged by fitful dreams about the ongoing pandemic.

The Commerce Department reported Thursday that the nation's gross domestic product grew 5.7% last year — the biggest increase since 1984. But the growth arrived in fits and starts, with hopes for a steady recovery repeatedly dashed by successive waves of infection.

And now, uncertainty continues in the year ahead, as the omicron variant continues to spread. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is gearing up to raise interest rates, perhaps aggressively, in an effort to combat stubbornly high inflation.

Rewritten Paragraphs 

The economy grew last year at the fastest pace since 1984.

Last year was the fastest economic growth since the Ronald Reagan era. But for many people in 2021, it felt less like "Morning in America" and more like a restless night - plagued with dreams about the pandemic.

The Commerce Department announced on Thursday that GDP grew by 5.7% last year - the biggest increase since 1984. But the growth came in fits and starts, with hopes for a steady recovery repeatedly dashed by successive waves of infection.

And now, uncertainty has continued into the new year, as the omicron variant has continued to spread. Meanwhile, the Fed has been gearing up to raise interest rates to fight high inflation.


The reworded paragraphs came in at 119 words, 10 less that the 129 for the original paragraphs. The only sentence wordbot didn’t handle well was the sentence “But the growth came in fits and starts, with hopes for a steady recovery repeatedly dashed by successive waves of infection.”. No matter how many times I highlighted the sentence and asked wordbot to reword it, it didn’t. It seems like a straightforward sentence, so I’m not quite sure why it struggled with it.

Reword Paragraphs Generator | Example 3

Reword Paragraphs Generator 3

Original Paragraphs

The Federal Reserve signaled Wednesday that it plans to begin raising interest rates at its next meeting in March, in an effort to keep a lid on prices, and markets expect three additional rate hikes over the course of the year.

The central bank's challenge is not to hit the brakes too hard and slow the economy too much — a tricky feat considering some economists believe the central bank waited too long to tackle inflation.

Rewritten Paragraphs

The Federal Reserve announced Wednesday that it will begin raising interest rates at its next meeting in March, in order to keep a lid on prices, and markets expect three more rate hikes over the course of the year.

The central bank's challenge is not to hit the brakes too hard and slow the economy too much, with some economists believing they waited too long to do so.


The reworded paragraphs came in at 68 words compared to 75 for the original paragraphs. Another good set of reworded paragraphs. If I were using the reworded paragraphs, I’d probably run through a few more times and then manually edit them.


As seen in this small sampling, our Reword Paragraphs Generator is capable of very high quality paragraph rewords. Actually, it does much more than reword, it rewrites. The rewritten text keeps its original meaning, but is often structured and worded quite differently than the original text. Our generator offers a free 7-day trial, so if you’re looking to reword paragraphs, give us a try at 

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