AI Plagiarism Checker – Is AI content plagiarism free?

Post author: Kevin Sims
Kevin Sims
2/9/23 in

An AI Plagiarism Checker is a tool used to check if AI content is plagiarism free. Thhis is one of the many questions many educators and people in other industries seek questions for. When writing content a lot of people have started to use tools such as openai’s GPT3 natural language models.

Some of the most popular applications around content creation are built around AI such as wordbot. As more and more people start to use tools like ours they may want to test their content in some type of analyzer to see if it comes up plagiarism free.

In this article we’ll discuss a new ai plagiarism checker openai has released called the AI Text Classifier. Although not 100% accurate, the tool gives you the ability to run test against your own content in hopes of being plagiarism free. First lets take a dive into what ai content generation is.

Understanding AI Content Generation

To understand why ai plagiarism checkers are starting to become popular, you must understand what ai content generation is. AI content generation uses artificial intelligence to generate written or spoken content.

This can become a problem because the algorithms that are trained to create this data is trained using the work of other people. Problems arise as people start to generate more content and run the risk of pottentially using the work of somebody else.

Some of the Top AI tools used to generate content are:

The State of AI and Plagiarism

AI is rapidly advancing in many different industries. From students, to content creators, businesses, entrepreneurs and more. AI has given people the ability to produce and generate more content ideas at record paces.

The level of creativity and quality of content produced by AI is still constrained in several ways. The generated content may not always reflect the preferences or intentions of people and frequently lacks originality.

Additionally, AI content generating systems have the potential to reinforce biases and mistakes found in the training data. This can lead to content being used with improper context or being plagiarized since users may not have proper sources of where the content came from.

How To use an AI Plagiarism Checker

An AI Plagiarism Checker can help with making sure your content provides originality. Although able to deceived, plagiarism checkers can help make sure the content you write does not get flagged as AI Generated.

Lets talk about a tool that can help in determining this for you. When using tools such as Wordbot, its good to make sure you also put your own touch on the outputted text. Once done you can run through a new tool created by openai called AI Text Classifier.

How the openai text classifier works

The openai text classifier is a tool that can help aid in detecting if text has been generated by AI. There are a few limitations to this tool such as:

  • The tool cannot check text that is shorter than 1000 characters
  • You may have false positives with human written text labeled as AI generated.
  • The AI Plagiarism checker can only work with english text.

First to test this out I had chatgpt write me a 1000 word easy on quantum computing.

generating text using chatgpt
generating text using chatgpt

Then I took that body of text and pasted it into Openai’s AI Text Classifier to try and detect if its AI generated.

AI Detected Text
AI Detected Text

This text has been classified as AI generated. If this ai content was used it may not be plagiarism free.

How Teachers can help further detect ai generated content

Openai is looking to partner with teachers, educators, and other professionals to help further the detection of ai generated content. Openai is looking to grow the intelligence of its detection tool buy utilizing:

  • course guidelines
  • honor code
  • policy updates
  • interactive tools
  • AI literacy programs

To help further these initiatives, follow and fill out this form here to provide feedback.

Best Practices in avoiding plagiarism in AI Content

Here are 5 best practice tips to help avoid using plagiarized ai content.

  1. Check the content for originality: Before using AI-generated content, it’s important to thoroughly check it for originality. This can be done by using an ai plagiarism checker such as openai to ensure that the content is unique.
  2. Add proper sources: If the AI-generated content is based on existing sources, it’s best to give proper attribution to those sources. This includes citing the sources in the text and including a bibliography or reference list. This may take a little more research but can pay off.
  3. Customize the content: If you’re using AI-generated content for commercial purposes, it’s important to customize it to make it your own. This can be done by editing and rewording the content to add your own unique perspective using tools like Wordbot.
  4. Be transparent: If you’re using AI-generated content, it’s important to be transparent about it. This can be done by clearly stating that the content was generated using AI technology, and indicating the sources that were used to generate it.
  5. Consider copyright laws: Before using AI-generated content, it’s important to consider copyright laws. This includes making sure that the content does not infringe on any existing copyrights, and obtaining the necessary permissions if required.

By following these best practices, you can minimize the risk of plagiarism when using AI-generated content and ensure that it is original, ethical, and legally compliant.


An AI Plagiarism Checker is the best tool to have in your toolbelt. Although not 100% accurate, the open ai text classifier is a handy tool to check your work with. This tool can be used by educators, professionals and more.

Always make sure to follow best practices when creating content using AI.

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