5 Ways to Generate Interview Questions using ChatGPT

Post author: Kevin Sims
Kevin Sims
4/3/23 in

The process of hiring candidates can be a time-consuming and challenging task for hiring managers. One of the essential aspects of the recruitment process is interviewing potential candidates to determine their skills, experience, and fit for the role.

Crafting effective interview questions can be a daunting task for hiring managers, especially when they need to evaluate numerous candidates. This is where ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI, can come in handy.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered tool that can assist hiring managers in generating interview questions for potential candidates. The language model is capable of understanding human language and can be trained to generate questions related to specific job roles, industries, and skills. Hiring managers can leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities to create a list of effective interview questions that can help them assess the candidate’s suitability for the job.

How to generate interview questions for potential candidates

Here are a few ways in which hiring managers can use ChatGPT to generate interview questions for potential candidates:

Identify Key Skills and Competencies

Before generating interview questions, it’s crucial to identify the key skills and competencies required for the job. Hiring managers can input the job description into ChatGPT to generate a list of skills and competencies required for the role. Based on this input, ChatGPT can generate interview questions that are focused on assessing the candidate’s proficiency in those skills.

A good prompt for a question like that would be:

Using this job description "[enter job description here]" give me a list of 10 interview questions to ask a potential candidate based on this users resume "[enter resume here]"

This prompt in chatgpt will give you the ability to generate interview questions that not only tailor to the job description but also maybe some that go with the candidates past experiences.

Tailor Questions for Specific Roles

ChatGPT can be trained to generate interview questions tailored to specific job roles. Hiring managers can provide ChatGPT with information about the role, including the required skills, experience, and qualifications. Based on this information, ChatGPT can generate a list of relevant interview questions that can help the hiring manager assess the candidate’s suitability for the role.

A prompt that could be used for job specific roles would be:

Based off this job description "[enter job description]" these exact skills required "[skill1, skill2]", and the experience and qualifications provided by the user here "[enter qualifications and experiance]", give me a list of 10 good interview questions.

Create Behavioral Questions

Behavioral questions are designed to assess a candidate’s past behavior and how they might react in similar situations in the future. ChatGPT can be trained to generate behavioral interview questions that can help hiring managers assess a candidate’s problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and communication skills. The hiring manager can provide ChatGPT with information about the type of situations they would like to evaluate the candidate on, and ChatGPT can generate relevant questions based on this input.

With different industries having to handle different types of situations, it could be common for a hiring manager to need to find the right questions to ask. Asking chatgpt to generate some questions could be in the format:

What are some questions to ask a potential candiate who may be in a situation where they may see somebody stealing money and i would like to know how they would respond.

Identify Cultural Fit

Cultural fit is an essential aspect of the recruitment process as it ensures that the candidate is compatible with the organization’s values, beliefs, and practices. ChatGPT can generate interview questions that can help hiring managers evaluate a candidate’s fit with the company culture. The hiring manager can input information about the company’s culture, including its values, work environment, and team dynamics. Based on this input, ChatGPT can generate interview questions that can help the hiring manager assess the candidate’s compatibility with the company culture.

These types of questions will come from knowing the type of people your team will enjoy being around. Adding qualities of your team will help in generating the correct questions to ask. For example:

What are some cultural fit interview questions to ask a potential candidate on how they would feel about working with a team that requires everyone to be honest and have integrity when coming to work and working with others

Save Time and Effort

Generating interview questions can be a time-consuming task for hiring managers, especially when they need to evaluate multiple candidates. ChatGPT can help save time and effort by generating a list of interview questions in a matter of minutes. This frees up time for hiring managers to focus on other aspects of the recruitment process, such as reviewing resumes, conducting background checks, and scheduling interviews.


In conclusion, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for hiring managers looking to streamline the recruitment process and create effective interview questions. By leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, hiring managers can identify key skills and competencies, tailor questions for specific roles, create behavioral questions, identify cultural fit, and save time and effort. ChatGPT can assist hiring managers in making informed decisions about potential candidates and ultimately help them hire the best fit for the role.

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