Implementing Lazy Loading Contextual Help with a Chain of Responsibility Object Behavior in JavaScript

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
5/4/23 in

Contextual help is an important feature of many software applications that provides users with information about specific features or functions. However, loading all help information at once can slow down the application and increase its memory usage.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to use a chain of responsibility object behavior in JavaScript to implement lazy loading of contextual help. We’ll define a HelpHandler interface that defines a method for handling help requests, and a LazyLoadingHelpHandler class that implements lazy loading of contextual help.

We’ll also provide a usage example that demonstrates how the LazyLoadingHelpHandler class maintains a cache of loaded help text and provides a showHelp() method that loads the help text from a file if it hasn’t been loaded yet, and then displays it. By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use a chain of responsibility object behavior to implement lazy loading of contextual help in your JavaScript applications.

Example Explanation

In this example, we define a HelpHandler interface that defines a method for handling help requests, and a LazyLoadingHelpHandler class that implements lazy loading of contextual help. The LazyLoadingHelpHandler class maintains a cache of loaded help text and provides a showHelp() method that loads the help text from a file if it hasn’t been loaded yet, and then displays it. The LazyLoadingHelpHandler class also overrides the handleHelp() method of the base HelpHandler interface to handle help requests by checking if the current context matches the context for which help is needed, and if it does, it displays the help; otherwise, it passes the request to its successor.

In the usage example, we create an Application class that creates a chain of LazyLoadingHelpHandler objects for the application, dialog, and button contexts, and a showHelp() method that handles help requests by passing them to the LazyLoadingHelpHandler chain. We then demonstrate how the lazy loading of contextual help works by requesting help for the application, button, and dialog contexts, and observing that the help text is loaded and displayed only when it is actually needed. This can help to reduce the amount of memory used by the application and improve its performance.

// Define a help handler interface
class HelpHandler {
  constructor(successor = null) {
    this.successor = successor;

  // Define a method that handles help requests
  handleHelp() {
    if (this.successor) {
      return this.successor.handleHelp();
    } else {
      console.log("No help available.");

// Define a lazy loading help handler that provides contextual help
class LazyLoadingHelpHandler extends HelpHandler {
  constructor(context, helpFilename, successor = null) {
    this.context = context;
    this.helpFilename = helpFilename;

  // Define a method that displays the contextual help (and loads it if it hasn't been loaded yet)
  showHelp() {
    if (! {
      console.log(`Loading help for ${this.context} from ${this.helpFilename}...`); = "This is the help text for " + this.context;

  // Override the base method to handle help requests
  handleHelp() {
    if (this.context === this.getHelpContext()) {
    } else {

  // Define a method that returns the context for which help is needed
  getHelpContext() {
    return "";

// Define a usage example
class Application {
  constructor() {
    this.contextualHelpHandler = new LazyLoadingHelpHandler("application", "application-help.txt",
      new LazyLoadingHelpHandler("dialog", "dialog-help.txt",
        new LazyLoadingHelpHandler("button", "button-help.txt")

  // Define a method that handles help requests
  showHelp(context) {
    this.contextualHelpHandler.context = context;

// Usage example
const app = new Application();

// The first help request loads and displays the help for the application context

// The second help request displays the help for the button context, which was already loaded

// The third help request loads and displays the help for the dialog context

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