Product Market Fit: Create a Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
3/18/23 in

Creating a minimum viable product (MVP) is a key step in finding product-market fit. An MVP is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development. In this article, we’ll explore some strategies for creating an effective MVP.

Identify the Problem

The first step in creating an MVP is to identify the problem you are trying to solve. This could be a pain point that your target market is experiencing, or an opportunity that you have identified in the market. Once you have identified the problem, you can start to think about how your MVP can solve it.

Define the Features

The next step is to define the features that your MVP will include. These should be the minimum set of features required to solve the problem you have identified. It’s important to keep in mind that your MVP should be simple and easy to use, so avoid adding unnecessary features that may complicate the product.

Build a Prototype

Once you have defined the features of your MVP, you can start building a prototype. This could be a basic version of your product that includes only the essential features. You can use a variety of tools to build your prototype, including wireframing software, mockup tools, and even physical prototypes.

Test Your Prototype

Testing your prototype is a critical step in the MVP development process. You can test your MVP with early adopters or potential customers to get feedback on its usability and functionality. This feedback can be used to refine the product and make improvements before launching it to a larger audience.

Refine and Iterate

After testing your MVP, you may find that some features need to be refined or removed altogether. It’s important to be open to feedback and willing to make changes to your product based on what you learn from testing. By iterating on your MVP and making improvements, you can create a product that meets the needs of your target market.

Launch and Collect Feedback

Once you have refined your MVP, it’s time to launch it to a wider audience. This could involve a soft launch to a select group of customers, or a full-scale launch to the general public. As your product gains users, be sure to collect feedback on its usability and functionality. This feedback can be used to make further improvements and refine the product.


In conclusion, creating an MVP is a crucial step in finding product-market fit. By identifying the problem, defining the features, building a prototype, testing the product, refining and iterating, and launching and collecting feedback, you can create a product that meets the needs of your target market. It’s important to remember that an MVP is not a final product, but rather a starting point for future development. By continuously iterating and improving your product, you can ensure that it remains relevant and meets the evolving needs of your customers.

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