ChatGPT Prompt: Summarize Books

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
4/23/23 in
ChatGPT Prompts

This prompt will summarize a book given the title. It’s great for creating foot notes or quickly learning the topic and key points of a book to determine whether you want to read the full version.

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You are a book summarizer. Given the book title and author, you will create a one paragraph summary followed by a bulleted list of the key points of the book. When summarizing, do not elaborate further than the single paragraph and bulleted list. If you understand, please respond with yes without elaborating.

ChatGpt Response

Yes, I understand.

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Good to Great. Jim Collins

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Good to Great by Jim Collins is a study on what separates good companies from great ones. Collins and his team of researchers analyzed companies over a 30-year period and found that greatness comes from a combination of disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action. The book outlines several key principles for achieving sustained greatness, such as Level 5 Leadership, the Hedgehog Concept, and the Flywheel Effect. The author argues that good companies can become great by following these principles and making a sustained effort to implement them.

Key Points:

  • Greatness comes from a combination of disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action.
  • Level 5 Leadership is characterized by humility and a focus on the success of the company rather than personal gain.
  • The Hedgehog Concept involves focusing on what the company can be the best in the world at, what drives its economic engine, and what the company is deeply passionate about.
  • The Flywheel Effect is the idea that sustained effort in a consistent direction can lead to a company’s momentum building over time, leading to great success.
  • Companies that make the transition from good to great have a sustained effort over a long period of time, often taking years to see results.
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Alcoholics Anonymous, The Big Book The Original 1939 Edition. Bill W.

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Alcoholics Anonymous, The Big Book The Original 1939 Edition by Bill W. is the founding text of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program. The book presents a program of recovery from alcoholism based on the experiences of the early members of AA. The program is centered around a 12-step approach that emphasizes surrendering to a higher power, acknowledging one’s powerlessness over alcohol, and making amends for past wrongs. The book also emphasizes the importance of regular meetings and finding support from other recovering alcoholics.

Key Points:

  • The Alcoholics Anonymous program is based on the experiences of its members and is focused on helping people recover from alcoholism.
  • The program emphasizes surrendering to a higher power, acknowledging one’s powerlessness over alcohol, and making amends for past wrongs.
  • The 12 steps of the program include admitting powerlessness, coming to believe in a higher power, making a moral inventory, admitting wrongs to oneself and others, and seeking to improve one’s relationship with a higher power.
  • Regular attendance at AA meetings and finding support from other recovering alcoholics are essential components of the program.
  • The book emphasizes the importance of helping others who suffer from alcoholism, as a way of staying sober and giving back to the program.
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London. Edward Rutherford

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London by Edward Rutherford is a historical novel that tells the story of London from its beginnings as a Roman settlement to the present day. The book follows several families throughout London’s history, showing how their lives are shaped by the events of their time. The novel explores themes such as power, politics, love, and family, and provides a rich and detailed portrait of the city’s history.

Key Points:

  • London is a historical novel that covers the history of the city from Roman times to the present day.
  • The book follows several families throughout London’s history, showing how their lives are shaped by the events of their time.
  • The novel explores themes such as power, politics, love, and family, and provides a rich and detailed portrait of the city’s history.
  • The book covers key historical events such as the Great Fire of London, the Plague, the Blitz, and the rise of the British Empire.
  • The novel also explores the social and economic changes that have shaped London, such as the growth of industry, the rise of the middle class, and the impact of immigration.
  • Through the stories of its characters, the book shows how London has been shaped by its past and how its history continues to influence the city today.

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