ChatGPT Prompt: Personalized Career Advice

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
4/30/23 in
ChatGPT Prompts

This prompt accepts questions about work and careers and returns actionable advice to help you improve your particular situation.

User Input

People will ask you for advice on how to improve their career or situation at work. You will provide actionable advice with the goal of helping them achieve their desired result. If you understand your purpose, respond with “yes” and do not elaborate.

ChatGpt Response


User Input

I’ve been a staff accountant for a manufacturing company for 5 years. I keep getting passed over for promotion to senior accountant. How can I asses my own performance and behavior to try and proactively spot any issues I may need to correct?

ChatGpt Response

To assess your own performance and behavior and proactively spot any issues that may be hindering your promotion, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Review your job description and responsibilities: Look at your job description and responsibilities and see if you are meeting or exceeding them. If you are not meeting them, then it could be a reason for not getting promoted.
  2. Seek feedback from your supervisor: Talk to your supervisor and ask for feedback on your performance. This will help you identify areas where you need to improve.
  3. Self-evaluation: Conduct a self-evaluation and assess your strengths and weaknesses. Identify areas where you need improvement and work on them.
  4. Review your accomplishments: Look back at your accomplishments and contributions to the company over the past 5 years. Identify the ones that align with the senior accountant role and make sure to highlight them in conversations with your supervisor.
  5. Develop a plan: Based on your self-evaluation, feedback from your supervisor, and your accomplishments, develop a plan for improvement. This could include attending training, taking on additional responsibilities, or seeking out mentoring from a senior accountant.

By taking these steps, you will have a better understanding of where you stand and what you can do to increase your chances of getting promoted to senior accountant.

User Input

I’m in my fourties and have worked at a large retailer for 20 years as an hourly employee. I have good work hours and 4 weeks vacation. I know I can go to a competing retailer and get more money per hour, but I’m concerned that I might lose my other perks like good working hours, my 4 weeks vacation, and so on. What are some pros and cons of leaving a position you’ve been at for a long time for a new position for more money?

ChatGpt Response

When considering leaving a position you’ve been at for a long time for a new position that offers more money, there are several pros and cons to consider:


  1. Increased salary: The most obvious benefit is the potential for a higher salary. This can improve your financial situation and help you achieve your long-term financial goals.
  2. New opportunities: Moving to a new company can provide new opportunities to learn and grow, as well as the chance to work with new people and experience different work cultures.
  3. Career advancement: A new position may offer more opportunities for career advancement, which can help you achieve your long-term career goals.


  1. Loss of benefits: Leaving a company you have been with for a long time may result in losing certain benefits, such as good working hours, vacation time, healthcare, and retirement benefits.
  2. Starting over: Starting at a new company means you will have to start over in terms of building relationships and reputation, which can take time.
  3. Uncertainty: Changing jobs comes with uncertainty. There’s always the risk that the new job may not work out, leaving you in a worse situation than before.
  4. Adjustment period: Adjusting to a new company and its culture can be challenging, and it may take some time to adapt to new processes and procedures.

In your situation, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of leaving your current employer for a new job that offers more money. Consider how important the additional salary is to you, and whether the potential benefits of a new job outweigh the possible downsides. You should also research the new company’s benefits package to ensure that it meets your needs.

User Input

I’m currently considering a few different career tracks for college. What is the best way to thoroughly research a career track to understand it’s long term requirements and prospects?

ChatGpt Response

To thoroughly research a career track and understand its long-term requirements and prospects, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Conduct online research: Start by conducting research online. Visit websites like the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), O*NET OnLine, and LinkedIn to learn about job requirements, salary expectations, and job growth projections. Read job descriptions and research the day-to-day responsibilities of the job to see if they align with your interests and strengths.
  2. Talk to people in the industry: Reach out to people who work in the field you’re interested in and ask them about their experiences. You can find professionals on LinkedIn or through your personal network. Ask about job requirements, salary expectations, job satisfaction, and potential career growth opportunities.
  3. Attend job fairs and networking events: Attend job fairs and networking events to meet professionals in the field and gain a better understanding of the job requirements and career prospects. Take the opportunity to ask questions and learn about the industry.
  4. Take courses and internships: Take courses or internships related to the field you’re interested in to get hands-on experience and gain a better understanding of the job requirements.
  5. Shadow professionals: If possible, shadow professionals in the industry to see first-hand what the job entails and get a sense of what it’s like to work in the field.
  6. Consider the long-term prospects: When evaluating a career track, consider the long-term prospects, such as job growth projections and the potential for career advancement. Look for opportunities to continue learning and developing new skills.

By taking these steps, you’ll gain a better understanding of the career track you’re interested in and whether it’s the right fit for you. It’s important to thoroughly research the field before committing to a college major or career path to ensure that you’re making an informed decision.

User Input

What is the most tactful way to approach your manager about a raise?

ChatGpt Response

Asking for a raise can be a delicate topic, but there are ways to approach your manager tactfully. Here are some tips:

  1. Schedule a meeting: Ask your manager if you can schedule a meeting to discuss your compensation. This shows that you respect their time and are taking the matter seriously.
  2. Prepare your case: Before the meeting, prepare a list of your accomplishments, contributions, and any additional responsibilities you’ve taken on since your last raise. Be specific about how you’ve added value to the company and how you’ve gone above and beyond your job duties.
  3. Do your research: Research industry standards and comparable salaries for your position to support your case. This will show your manager that you’ve done your due diligence and that your request is reasonable.
  4. Be professional: During the meeting, remain professional and avoid making demands. Instead, frame the conversation as a discussion and present your case with confidence and clarity.
  5. Listen to their feedback: Be prepared for your manager to ask questions or provide feedback. Listen carefully and be open to their perspective. If they raise concerns or objections, address them in a professional and constructive manner.
  6. Be flexible: If your manager is unable to grant your request for a raise, consider other forms of compensation, such as additional vacation time, flexible hours, or a performance-based bonus. Being flexible shows that you’re willing to work with your manager to find a solution.

Remember that asking for a raise is a negotiation, and it’s important to approach it tactfully and professionally. By preparing your case, doing your research, and remaining professional, you increase your chances of success.

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