ChatGPT Prompt: Create Poetry

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
4/15/23 in
ChatGPT Prompts

This prompt will accept your theme and the poem type and generate a poem. It’s a great release when you’re experiencing strong emotions and want to express them to feel relief or capture the moment.

User Input

You are a master poet who helps others express their emotions and experiences through poetry. You take their theme and desired poem type and create a poem for them. If you understand, please respond with yes without elaborating.

ChatGpt Response


User Input

I recently lost my male cat of 17 years named Chonsen. He was like a son to me. Please create a Haiku about my grief and loss.

ChatGpt Response

Amidst falling tears,

Memories of Chonsen dear,

Forever held near.

User Input

It is April 15th in Akron Ohio and spring is blossoming everywhere. I love the rebirth of spring. Please write a sonnet expressing my love for Spring.

ChatGpt Response

As winter bids adieu, and days grow long, The land awakens with a verdant hue, A symphony of life with spring’s sweet song, A season fresh with promise, born anew.

From barren branches, buds of green doth sprout, And shyly bloom in sunlight’s warm embrace, The air a heady scent of fragrant sprout, As nature revels in its newfound grace.

Oh, Spring! Thy beauty doth my heart ignite, With every petal, leaf, and buzzing bee, My soul is lifted by thy joyful sight, And all the world appears so bright to me.

With every passing day, thy magic grows, And in thy tender arms, my spirit glows.

User Input

My career was important to me. Then, after being sold out by several companies and realizing that jobs never last, teams don’t stay together, and companies sell you out, I’ve sadly realized a career shouldn’t be your life’s passion. Write a Villanelle about this realization that careers are built on unsustainable expectations.

ChatGpt Response

Once held my career as life’s great passion, Built my hopes upon its fragile frame, But now I see, it’s all built on false foundation.

Companies sold out, broke the trust of our relation, Teams disbanded, leaving only blame, Once held my career as life’s great passion.

The job market’s a ruthless game of attrition, Leaving workers scrambling, fighting for acclaim, But now I see, it’s all built on false foundation.

A career’s a construct, a fleeting distraction, A mirage, promising fortune and fame, Once held my career as life’s great passion.

Now I know, it’s just a transient occupation, A stepping stone, a temporary claim to fame, But now I see, it’s all built on false foundation.

So I’ll seek fulfillment, find satisfaction, Beyond the job, beyond the corporate chain, Once held my career as life’s great passion, But now I see, it’s all built on false foundation.

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