Rewriting Sentences To Avoid Plagiarism

Post author: Kevin Sims
Kevin Sims
5/22/22 in
Rewrite Series

Many students are familiar with plagiarism, which is the act of copying and pasting text without giving credit to the author. But plagiarism is not the only form of cheating. You can also plagiarize by rewriting sentences. Rewriting sentences can be a form of cheating because you are not giving the original author credit for their work. One way to make sure you are rewriting sentences to avoid plagiarism, is to make sure you are giving credit to the author. The best way to do this is to include quotation marks and citation information.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of copying and pasting text without giving credit to the author. Rewriting a sentence can be a form of cheating because you are not giving the original author credit for their work. When you rewrite a sentence, make sure you are giving credit to the author. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to include quotation marks and citation information.

What is a sentence rewrite?

A sentence rewrite can be a form of cheating if you change or delete sentences from a text without giving credit to the author. When you rewrite a sentence to avoid plagiarism, make sure you are giving credit to the author. The best way to do this is to include quotation marks and citation information.

How do you avoid plagiarism?

There are a few things you can do to avoid plagiarism:

  • First thing you can do is to be aware of the different types of plagiarism.
  • Next is the learn the different types of citations
  • Finally learn how to write an effective research paper

What are the different types of plagiarism?

There are three types of plagiarism: literal plagiarism, paraphrasing, and quoting. Literal plagiarism is when you copy and paste the exact wording of an author. Paraphrasing is when you change the wording but keep the meaning of the original sentence. Quoting is when you take a quote from an author and include it in your own work.

What are the 3 types of citation styles?

In general, you can use three different types of citation styles when you are paraphrasing or rewording someone else’s work: MLA, APA, or Chicago. MLA stands for Modern Language Association, and it is the most common citation style. APA stands for American Psychological Association, and it is the style most commonly used in academic writing. Chicago is the most flexible of the three citation styles, and it is often used in creative writing. When you are paraphrasing or rewording someone else’s work, be sure to use the correct citation style.


When you are writing a research paper, it is important to be accurate and to credit the sources of your information. If you are rewriting sentences to avoid plagiarism, or use any information from other sources, be sure to include quotes and source information to help your readers know where you got your information. This will help them to trust your work and avoid plagiarism.

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