What exactly is an article rewriting tool?

Post author: Adam VanBuskirk
Adam VanBuskirk
12/31/21 in
AI Article Spinning & Rewriting

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An article rewriting tool is a piece of software that can rewrite articles, paragraphs, and sentences using artificial intelligence. However, not all rewriting tools or AI are created equal, so it’s important to understand the nuances, pros and cons, and basic features of the existing tools on the market – and there are a lot of rewriting tools on the market. In this article, we explain everything you need to know when evaluating which tool is best for you.

What exactly is an article rewriting tool?

Let’s start by defining what an article rewriter tool is. An rewriting tool is a piece of software that can be used for many things, including refreshing evergreen content, improving one’s writing skills, improving your editorial productivity by creating more content faster, and even for translating articles by writing them in one language and rewriting, or translating them into another.

An article rewriting tool will use some form of AI, such as natural language processing, neural networks, and transformers like GPT-3 that use deep learning. This AI, or artificial intelligence, allows the rewriting tool to use automation to read, learn, and understand your original writing and quickly rewrite that text into an entirely new version of the article.

What is an article rewriting tool used for?

So now you know what an article rewriter tool is, but in what ways can it actually be used to add value to your workflow? What is the point of pasting in content just to have a tool rewrite it? Well, you’d be surprised how valuable a high-quality rewriting tool can be. Read on to learn how people use article rewriters to save time, save money, improve their writing skills, gain customers, and increase web traffic.


The SEO benefits of rewriting tools

The most important part of SEO is content creation and management. Whether an editorial team, SEO professionals, or startup founders it can be very challenging for people to produce enough engaging content on a specific niche or subject. It’s also challenging to refresh all the content to keep it relevant in search engines’ eyes. That’s where article rewriter tools like wordbot.io can help. Wordbot can:

  • Learn from your content, allowing it to generate better and better rewrites.
  • Work around your keywords so your content stays SEO optimized.
  • Import other articles from the web and extract their keywords, helping you target the best performing keywords in articles.
  • Create summaries, or TLDR sections for your blog posts, all in seconds (hint hint see our TLDR at the beginning of this article for a real-life example of Wordbot in action!).

Multi Language Support

Rewriting Tools that handle multiple languages

Lack of language support is a common limitation when evaluating article rewriter tools. Even our own tool Wordbot currently does not support rewriting in multiple languages. However, we do plan on introducing multi-language support in the future. We already have the AI to do it, I just need to implement it and stop spending all my time writing blog articles like this one 😉

Supporting multiple languages is important because many online professional writers are virtual assistants and contractors from non-English speaking countries. However, many of the people needing content for their websites are from English-speaking countries. This creates an interesting dynamic. 

Article rewriters can help because they allow the VA or contractor to write content in their native language and then rewrite it into English for giving to the client. This opens up lots of opportunities for acquiring new and lucrative customers.


Students in College

Although we don’t condone it because, well, you should study and do your own work so you learn and grow as a person, many students use article rewriting tools as essay rewriters. 

An essay rewriter is essentially an article rewriter, but students paste in essays from school. They then use the tool to rewrite the essay, usually making several iterations of rewrites. Their goal is to disguise the original and pass it off as their own work, essentially saving them the time and stress of doing research and writing the essay themselves.

We wanted to include this use because a simple Google search will show that this use for article rewriters is very alive and well. However, as we mentioned we don’t condone or suggest an article rewriter be used for this. Honestly, professors and teachers are smart and many have seen it all, so if you’re a student do yourself a favor and do your own homework 😉

Keep Content Creation In-House

Generating Content

We already touched on content creation in the SEO section, but it’s worth mentioning again in a slightly different context. Creating and maintaining content for marketing purposes is a huge task – one that many companies don’t have the resources for. This often leads to outsourcing the content creation and management process, which is expensive and can lead to poor content quality. No-one cares about your content as much as you do, including contractors or virtual assistants.

In comes an article rewriter like Wordbot. By using a rewriter, you can dramatically improve your productivity by using it to refresh existing content and create new content from existing. This can all be done in a matter of minutes. For example, you can read how we took a 1,500 word article that would take around 4hrs to write from scratch and rewrote it to 1,300 words and manually edited it in 30 minutes. That gives you an 8x productivity gain! Imagine how much more content you can refresh and create working 8x faster than before.

Online Marketing Firms

Marketing Agencies & Firms

Online marketing firms generate lots of content for their clients. This content can range from SEO-optimized articles and blog posts to social media posts to press releases. Let’s say a marketing agency specializes in a specific niche like law firms and has 30 clients and each week they create on average 3 blog posts averaging 1,000 words for each client. That’s 30 clients x 3 posts x 1,000 words = 90 blog posts and 90,000 words each week!

That’s going to require some serious resources…

Enter an article rewriter like Wordbot. The marketing firm can save their articles, pull them up, and then rewrite and reuse them. With a feature coming in the future, they’ll also be able to spin their existing articles and content using AI. This means you can take your single article you wrote that is 1,000 words, say about personal injury claims, and spin it into 10 other 1,000 word articles. You can then use each of the 10 for a client, saving you the time and effort of writing 10 1,000 word marketing articles WHILE avoiding duplicate content penalties from Google and other search engines.

Why is rewriting articles so important for blogs?

Rewriting and refreshing content accomplishes a few key strategic things for blogs. First, it keeps you in your readers’ minds and helps build blog and brand awareness. Just like large corporations that regularly run TV commercials to build brand awareness, blogs must continually update content to keep it current and their audience engaged. 

Secondly, stale content loses its SEO value and will hurt a blog’s traffic pipeline. There are huge SEO benefits to regularly adding new content to your website. By continually rewriting existing content, blogs can keep it fresh and Google won’t see it as outdated and non-relevant. Rewriting tools are the perfect option for taking existing high quality blog posts and rewriting them to stay current.

For Wordbot, one way we want to help bloggers address this challenge is to create a content scheduler. They’ll be able to load their existing content, select when to rewrite it, then Wordbot will do all the heavy lifting, producing rewrites automatically. The blogger would then just log in, review each rewrite, tweak it, and post it. We eventually would even like to create a WordPress plugin so Wordbot can automatically rewrite, refresh, and post the updates!

What types of rewriting tools exist?

Rewriting tools use AI


Manual rewriting is just that – an article manually rewritten by a human. If done by an experienced, professional writer this option will produce the best results. However, it rarely is done by an experienced, professional writer because they are really, really expensive. Most businesses are simply not able or willing to pay the high wages of professional writers. 

This leads to a sad reality, a lot of manually rewritten articles are really poor quality. This is because they’re rewritten by poorly qualified virtual assistants and contractors who often have subpar writing skills and no experience in the topics they’re writing on. Often times these writers are from countries other than the article’s original author, leading to language barriers that further complicate things. 

Finding and hiring writers to manually rewrite your content is a huge hassle as well. You have to do much vetting and then turnover is always high, so it is a continual process of vetting, interviewing, hiring, managing, and reviewing. Not a pleasant or productive strategy to say the least. 


Assisted rewriting is the process of using an AI-backed tool like Wordbot combined with a human touch like an editor. Tools like Wordbot can drastically improve content quality, improve productivity, and reduce contractor and employee costs thus saving you money. Let’s see how.

Improve Content Quality

AI is rapidly improving and AI transformers are now capable of creating content that is as good and in many cases better that what humans can write. Remember, most content creators online are not professional writers, they’re virtual assistances, contractors, amateur bloggers, marketers, entrepreneurs, etc. Using an AI-based tool like Wordbot to assist in the writing process is a huge improvement for most people generating content online.

Improve Productivity

As mentioned earlier in this article, productivity is greatly increased when using tools to assist in rewriting content. For example, read our post on how Wordbot rewrote a 1,500 word article in 20 minutes compared to four hours doing it manually. Add 10 minutes of manual editing and you have an 800% increase in productivity! That’s real savings folks!

Reduce Contractor and Employee Costs

Resulting from the productivity gains mentioned above, you will spend much less money on contractors and employees. We know one company paying contractors $50+ per article rewrite and they rewrite 50 articles per week! They pay another $30 to have the rewrite manually edited. That’s $2,500 per week in rewrite costs and $1,500 per week in editorial costs! With Wordbot, you can literally eliminate the $2,500 cost and just keep the editorial process. $2,500 x 52 weeks = $130,000 per year in savings, wow! Again, that’s real savings folks! Savings that can be used to invest elsewhere in the business.

Save Money

You read it above, rewriting tools like Wordbot SAVE BIG MONEY! Just like any other productivity tool such as a calendar, project management software, billing automation, etc., rewriting tools make you and your team more productive by saving time which costs money. Assisted article rewriting tools aren’t a gimmick, they’re legitimate productivity tools for the content generating community.


Today’s market of article rewriting is very interesting. Huge breakthroughs in AI, such as the recent release of GPT-3, has created a divide. We like to call the left side of the divide old-school and the right side of there divide new-school. 

Old School Rewriters

The old-school rewriting tools use synonyms, article spinning, word repositioning, and thesauruses to rewrite content. These tools were great 5-10 years ago, but are no longer innovative. They make a large portion of the assisted rewriters and take large amount of user time reviewing, editing, and fixing the rewrites. Their technology is very dated and will not be relevant in a few years because AI has had huge advances and far outpaced their dated methods. Do a simple Google search for article rewriters and click on many of the results and you will quickly know which are the old-school rewriters – it shows and is obvious.

New School Rewriters, the Future

The new-school rewriters are still assisted rewriters because they need a human review process, but they use the latest advancements in AI and are truly capable of generating human-quality rewrites with no thesaurus, synonym swapping, etc. These tools truly take your content, pass it to a transformer or robot, and return a human-quality rewrite. This makes them much more automated than the old-school so we call them automatic rewriters.

Wordbot is in this new school and quite honestly one of the few on the market today. Although a new product at the time of this article, Wordbot uses the most modern GPT-3 transformer and is making lightening fast advancements in article, paragraph, and sentence rewriting – all by designing prompts and instructions for the transformer and without using any old-school AI methods.

What are rewriter services?

Online Rewriting Services

Rewriter services are firms or websites that will offer to rewrite your content for you. They typically claim their writers are professional writers, have Ph.D.’s, and all speak English. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case. They are often small businesses that employe foreign virtual assistants or contractors that are not professional writers. 

Also, because these firms are in the business of rewriting content, they are almost always utilizing rewriting tools like Wordbot to lower their costs and generate huge amounts of content. Cut out the middleman and use the product yourself (we make money either way). Spend your money on a person that can review and edit the articles instead.

Should I use a free or paid article rewriter tool?

The answer is it depends.

If you are looking to simply paraphrase a single sentence or have the need to rewrite a single essay one time, then a free tool could make sense. Free rewriting tools are only good, in our opinion, for people that have a one-off need to rewrite a piece of content. There are a few reasons.

First, the free tools are not of great quality. You might be able to use them on a small piece of content and get an OK result, but you’re not going to get stellar rewrites. Like any business, rewriting tools have a cost to operate them. For example, it costs us money to operate Wordbot.io. We have website hosting costs, domain name costs, AI usage costs, employee costs, and so on. If our tool is really any good, it makes no economical sense to provide it to users and capture no value in return.

Secondly, free tools are rife with limitations. This is again because it costs money for the owners to operate these tools and they’re not going to give them away. However, they need to generate leads that will convert into full-time users. Many of the rewriting tools do this by offering free versions of their products, but in a very limited fashion. 

For example, you might be able to use a very high quality rewriting tool for free for 7 days, but 7 days only. This is what we do at wordbot.io If you just need to rewrite one piece of content, you can create an account, do your rewriting, and cancel your subscription on say day six. But, if you have to regularly rewrite content, you can’t use Wordbot without paying. 

Many other tools offer free versions, but again you cannot use them perpetually. You will only be able to process x amount of words in a day, rewrite x number of articles in a week, etc.

Ultimately, if you regularly generate or rewrite content, invest in a paid tool. It will save you huge amounts of money in the long wrong and produce the highest quality content.

What are the pros and cons of existing rewriting tools?

There are many, many article rewriters on the market. Many old-school, few new-school, and some in between. We’re not going to review actual tools because they simply come and go too often, but we are going to list the possible pros and cons so you can use this list when evaluating article rewriters. 

Possible Pros of Article Rewriters

The benefits of rewriting tools
  • Free (save money)
  • Capable of inputing and outputting multiple languages
  • The ability to upload and import content
  • Chrome browser extension
  • WordPress plugin for working directly in the editor of your blog
  • Microsoft Word plugin for working directly in Word
  • Highlights changed words and repositioned words
  • Capable of writing html, not just text
  • Capable of rewriting capitalized words and fixing punctuation
  • You can ignore certain words you don’t want rewritten
  • Can spin articles into many
  • Uses the latest in AI
  • Includes a free trial
  • Offers restful APIs for other software to use their AI rewriting engine
  • Integrates with SEO tools for optimizing content
  • Offers a native SEO optimization feature
  • Simple user interface with short learning curve

Possible Cons of Article Rewriters

The Cons of Rewriting Tools
  • Not multi-lingual – only supports English
  • Free (beware of poor quality and excessive ads)
  • It’s an offline tool. Get and use a SaaS website, offline is old-school.
  • The AI and rewriting engine produces poor quality rewrites and reduces productivity instead of increasing it. This is a very common con.
  • The tool requires too much manual intervention to produce high quality rewrites. The old-school rewriters are notorious for having this problem.
  • To complex to use, tries to do too many things
  • Too expensive – more than you need with no simple, article rewriting feature at a reasonable price.
  • Has limitations on characters, words, rewrites, etc.
  • Uses outdated AI
  • No restful API access
  • No integrations with SEO software


Rewriting Tool Options / Choices

There are many rewriting tools on the market with different forms of AI technology, different sets of features, different price points, different value propositions, and different levels of support. There is no right or wrong in choosing a tool. It just depends on what you need out of it.

We feel our rewriting tool is one of the best when rewriting content, but it might not be the best fit for your needs. Our goal of this article was to give you a better understanding of what article rewriting tools are and what options you have with the hope that you’ll take that knowledge and do your own research online.

There are many bad tools, many OK, and a few great ones. Take your time, use what you learned in this article, do your research, and pick the best tool for you. 

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